
Iran's first nuclear power reactor Bushehr reaches full capacity

Bushehr reaches full capacity

03 September 2012
Power output from Iran's first nuclear power reactor at Bushehr has reached 100%, the Russian supplier AtomStroyExport (ASE) announced. The unit was connected to the grid almost a year ago.
Bushehr (AtomStroyExport)
Unit 1 of the Bushehr plant (Image: ASE)
The reactor reached full power at 6.47pm on 30 August, ASE said. This is the final stage in commissioning the unit, during which its equipment and systems will be test at full capacity.
German constructor Siemens KWU began work on two pressurized water reactors at the Bushehr site on the Persian Gulf in 1975, but work was abandoned in 1979. At the time, one unit was substantially complete and the second unit was around 50% complete, but the site was damaged by air strikes during the war between Iran and Iraq in 1984-1988.
However, in 1994, Minatom of Russia agreed with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to complete Bushehr unit 1 as a VVER-1000 unit, using mostly the infrastructure already in place. This plan also necessitated major changes, including fabrication of all the main reactor components in Russia under a construction contract with AtomStroyExport. 

The world doesn't need any more nuclear power plants...

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